Author Archive: Mike

Franco and Evelyn give Diatom Web Academy presentation

Franco and Evelyn presented a talk on “Long-term studies of calcareous benthic assemblages, Florida Everglades” for the Diatom Web Academy. This recorded presentation provides a synopsis of our lab’s research on diatoms, highlighting long-term ecological, taxonomic, and restoration assessment studies. …
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Katie Stansbury wins best poster award

We celebrate with Katie Stansbury upon her receipt of an award for her poster presentation “Drivers of extracellular polysaccharide production by a mat-forming diatom” at the 2021 Virtual FIU Biosymposium.

Katie Johnson joins the lab!

We are so excited that Katie Johnson has joined our lab in a Research Analyst position! She’ll be identifying and counting Everglades algae and helping us with our diatom database. Katie recently received her master’s degree from Georgia College in…
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Everglades Under Attack 

Fusion’s program “Everglades Under Attack” features Evelyn Gaiser, Viviana Mazzei, Nick Schulte, and Ben Wilson.

In Deep with Diatoms


The “In Deep with Diatoms” exhibit at FIU’s Frost Art Museum featured paintings of diatoms by the Tropical Botanic Artists and diatom sculptures by Xavier Cortada. The artists worked closely with our lab to develop these pieces.

Evelyn meets POTUS

President Obama at Everglades National Park on Earth Day

Evelyn Gaiser met President Obama during his visit to Everglades National Park on Earth Day (April 22, 2015).  Melissa Block interviewed Dr. Evelyn Gaiser for NPR’s All Things Considered the day before President Obama’s visit to Everglades National Park.